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Leigh Primary School

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Phonics & Spelling


All children at Leigh Primary School will learn to read with accuracy and fluency, regardless of their background, needs or abilities.

Children will leave Key Stage 1 with the reading skills to enable them to access the Key stage 2 curriculum.


  • Use of the Read, Write, Inc (RWI) scheme to teach phonic skills throughout the school.
  • Daily RWI in Reception, Year 1 and 2 until they complete the programme. Children are placed in groups based on a half termly assessment to ensure the teaching they receive is specific to them.
  • 1 to 1 tutoring targeting unique gaps in the lowest, slowest progress children across school.
  • Coaching for all reading teachers, as required, by the Reading Leader.
  • Practice Sessions, delivered by the Reading Leader.
  • Development Days with RWI consultant.
  • Half termly assessments to assess children’s phonics and reading ability.
  • Year 1 RWI PSC assessments (Nov, Feb, May) to inform planning of afternoon sessions.
  • Story Time to embed pleasure for reading and a love of books across the whole school.


  • All pupils including the weakest readers make sufficient progress to meet or exceed ARE.
  • High quality phonics teaching delivered by all reading teachers.
  • Increase in the % of children who achieve the Early Learning Goals for Comprehension, Word Reading and Writing.
  • All pupils to reach the required standard in the PSC.