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Leigh Primary School

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Our vision:

At Leigh Primary School, we aim to equip pupils with the tools to understand Maths.  These tools include logical reasoning, problem solving and the ability to think in abstract ways.  Mathematics is integral to all aspects of life; with this in mind, we endeavour to ensure that children develop a healthy and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will impact positively on their lives.

Our Maths curriculum focuses on fluency, problem solving and reasoning which is in line with the aims of the national curriculum.

General aims of Maths:

To ensure that all children from EYFS to Year 6:

  • Become fluent and confident with basic skills in mathematics, developing a conceptual understanding and the ability to recall/apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
  • Use mathematical reasoning skills to follow a line of enquiry, develop an argument and justify or prove using mathematical language.
  • Can solve problems by applying their mathematical skills to a variety of problems, including breaking down problems into smaller steps and persevering to find solutions.

Curriculum content:

The White Rose Maths programme of learning is utilised in conjunction with the Maths national curriculum to support teaching and learning. This is an effective and robust scheme for Maths as it is organised in year groups and details strategies which ensure that there is a smooth transition made for each operation from one-year group to the next. It clearly highlights endpoints for each year group in regards to all mathematical concepts. As such, this enables pupils to build on their prior learning in sequenced lessons each week. 

Our staff plan their lessons by following the sequential unit blocks and teach each lesson tailored to the needs of their pupils. Often referred to by the NCETM as “intelligent practice”, they carefully construct and sequence question sets to teach, extend and challenge pupils to ensure progress is made. Pupils can make connections between questions and can begin to form expectations and make predictions. No matter what their starting points, the pupils receive levels of challenge to shape happy, assured and resilient mathematicians.


Fluency is the ability to know key mathematical facts and being able to recall them quickly and accurately. Fluency is often associated to just arithmetic questions. In order to master fluency, pupils will need to apply the skill they’ve learnt to different contexts and be able to choose the most appropriate method for a particular problem.

Problem Solving:

Problem solving involves applying previously-taught skills and knowledge to answer unfamiliar problems. Examples include:

  • “How many ways can you find to...?”
  • ‘’Which is the odd one out?”


Reasoning is applying logical thinking to solve problems. There is a particular focus on explaining the rationale/ explaining the Maths in increasingly challenging or unfamiliar contexts.

The children know these skills as ‘Ready, Steady and Go’. The use of Ready, Steady, Go in each lesson allows pupils to become more independent, reflective thinkers who relish the challenge of Maths. Ready, Steady, Go provides progressive level of challenge. After the teacher has modelled and taught the skills and knowledge through guided practice, pupils are given the option of what level they wish to start their independent work. All levels may have fluency, problem solving and reasoning but they progressively get more challenging.

Examples of Ready, Steady, Go:

Maths Policies

Leigh Trust Progression in Mental Strategies Policy

Leigh Trust Calculation Policy